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WWCodeManila’s Online Study Group – JavaScript
May 31, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
* Our first week night study group… *
JavaScript Study Group is happening this May 31, 2021.
Our topic will be: Book Discussion: JavaScript for Impatient Programmers / Using JavaScript: The Big Picture and Syntax Overview
**Who should join?**
This study group is for JavaScript programmers looking to strengthen their language fundamentals. JavaScript newbies with experience in other programming languages are also welcome. We’ll be using JavaScript for Impatient Programmers and Eloquent JavaScript as our main resources, both of which are available online.
**What to bring:**
Your preferred programming editor and a curious mind
Call time: 07:15 pm
Event proper starts: 07:00 pm
This study group is hosted via Discord. Please let us know if you’re not in WWCode Discord server yet by sending us an email at manila@womenwhocode.com.
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What is a Technical Study Group?
Women Who Code Technical Study Groups are events where women can come together and help each other learn and understand a specific programming language, technology, or anything related to coding or engineering.
We welcome developers of all levels and encourage those with more experience to help out those that are just starting. There’s always at least one mentor or leader present to help you with best practices or to guide you through if you are stuck with a nasty problem! 🙂
(Definition taken from Women Who Code DC) (https://womenwhocode.com/DC)
Please join our Facebook Group – WWCode Manila (https://www.facebook.com/groups/wwcodemanila/)
Go to Videos, look for the 2nd to the last video, Introduction to Technical Study Group.
Please watch this before attending our study groups so you know what to expect. Thank you. 🙂
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Getting to know you more:
Please answer this form (http://bit.ly/WWCodeManilaSubscribe) if you haven’t answered it yet! We love to know more about you.
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This event is free. Link to this event will be sent over 24 hours before the start of the event.